How To Do Starbound Multiplayer

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How to do starbound multiplayer server

How To Do Starbound Multiplayer Play

How do you make a server in starbound? Do what I did, copy your Starbound folder elsewhere. Even on Steam, the game is DRM Free, and you can insert whatever mods your friends are using in that second copy. Either way, no matter what, it's always best to ensure that the server and the client are on the same page, When in doubt, ask who's hosting the server what mods are running,.

As you probably know currently, mods never work too well in multiplayer, causing crashes and producing the multiplayer boring or annoying and unplayable bécause of that unIess everyone down load the exact same mods as you. But sometimes, people put on't desire to make use of some of thé mods you are usually using therefore they don't desire to install something simply to be able to enjoy with you and I understand that. This is why I made a decision to proceed full client-side móds on this oné. Everything in right here are the mods that I make use of, or used to have got set up during multiplayer without any problems at all.So with these mods set up, multiplayer should still be feasible. Especially if you program on enjoying with somebody who doesn't have a one mod set up. Client-side mods are continually the most recommended. This selection will be modified over-time structured on various new mods set up through my session.