Where Is Accessories On Windows 8

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And previous variations of experienced an accessories foIder in the begin menus which provides quick entry to equipment like loan calculator, command quick, notepad etc. Right now with the new in, points have changed and this menus is not really available. In case you possess been making use of this menus, you can still obtain this feature in Home windows 8 making use of this technique. The registry entrance provides this total menus to desktop framework menu for quick access.Essential Note: This technique involves changing or adjusting the Home windows 8 registry, so please take a.

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When you click the Disk Defragmenter from the Windows accessories System Tools menu you will see this window. The Disk Fragmenter sorts out the files on your drive(s) to optimize the space you are using. Sometimes these accessories shortcuts can go missing or hidden, here is how to. Restore Accessories group is a small utility designed for Windows XP that does. 3 Free Tools to Bring Back the Classic Start Menu in Windows 7, 8 and 10.

  1. How To Access All Programs In Windows 8. It’s changed to All Apps, and can be accessed by following the below steps. 1) Press Ctrl + Tab keys on your keyboard to show the Windows 8 version of All Programs. This shows all the programs that are currently installed on your machine. 2) Press the Windows Key, then right-click on a black area of the start screen to show All Apps.
  2. Windows versions prior to Windows 7 had a unique feature in the start menu-the accessories folder. It provided faster access to tools like command, calendar, and notepad and so on. But with the latest version of OS from Microsoft-Windows 8 matters have altered and we no longer see this feature in the context menu.